Two men speaking to each other on a couch

Inpatient & Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Detox Serving Reno

Rehab and Detox Near Reno

If you’re struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, the most important step is finding a compassionate and competent facility where you can undergo medically supervised detox and begin your rehabilitation process. For those living in Reno, Nevada, Diamond House Detox provides a warm and welcoming environment where you can pursue treatment and begin breaking the chains of addiction.

Although you can find our rehab and detox facilities in the Sacramento, CA, area, we’re near enough to Reno to make us a convenient option for those living in the area and in need of drug rehabilitation services. Our friendly and professional staff and luxurious facility make us a desirable location to take your first steps toward sobriety.

Group of people sharing a meal at a large dining table while talking and laughing

Why Diamond House Detox Is a Good Choice for Someone Living in Reno

Diamond House Detox is located in Sacramento. However, for those living in Reno, it’s just a short drive southwest. Choosing a rehab and detox center farther away from where you or your loved one lives is actually a good way to kickstart treatment. It’s often a good idea for an individual with substance use disorder  to get away from the place of their addiction and from potential triggers, which could cause a relapse.

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As you or your loved one recovers, recognizing relapse triggers is essential. Triggers are personal to the individual and could be different things for different people, including:

  • A memory from the addict’s past of abusing drugs or alcohol, which transports them back to their life of addiction
  • Intense stress from their work or personal life
  • Friends or people who share the same addiction

It’s recommended that during the early stages of your recovery, you avoid situations that could trigger a relapse. Getting far enough away may be the best solution. At Diamond House Detox, we help our clients from Reno and other locales recognize personal triggers and learn to deal with them healthily so that they can return home with renewed hope.

A nurse taking a man's blood pressure across a table

What You Can Expect When You Come to Our Location

We ensure our clients receive a personalized treatment program that can address a variety of different substance use issues. We’re equipped to handle all kinds of detox situations, ranging from detox from alcoholopiatesbenzos and more.

During the detoxification process, we help clients develop individual goals and create a plan to meet each one. We also offer medication-assisted treatment as needed and 24-hour-a-day monitoring to ensure safety. We’re equipped to help you manage your withdrawal symptoms to make your detox as comfortable as possible. Each of our detox programs can be coupled with dual diagnosis addiction treatment if needed, which addresses any underlying mental health disorders that may be present.

Other benefits of choosing Diamond House Detox include:

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Your Treatment Options 

The road to recovery looks different for everyone, but you may pass by some of the same landmarks on your way. Diamond House Detox strives to create personalized treatment plans as individualized as the person who requested them. We do that by listening to our clients and treating them with grace and compassion. 

When you come to us at any point in your recovery journey, we may recommend you participate in some of these programs we offer.

Medically Assisted Detox

Before you can confront the root of your addiction, you must go through detox. The thought of going through withdrawal is often enough to keep people stuck in a cycle of substance use, but Diamond House Detox will make sure you have tools and support on hand to make it through as easily as possible.

We believe in medically assisted detox, which can ease the worst of your withdrawal symptoms and prevent your body from going into shock. Throughout the duration of your detox, our medical professionals will monitor you closely and make sure you get medication when necessary. However long it takes for your withdrawal symptoms to subside, our supportive and nonjudgmental team will stay with you until you’re ready to move on.

Psychological Evaluation

Next, it’s time for an evaluation with one of our Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners or Psychiatrists. You’ll meet with them one-on-one so you can discuss your history in confidence. We’ll get to know you, your addiction and your life outside Diamond House Detox so we can recommend the best treatment program for you.

Inpatient and Outpatient Programs in Reno, NV

Following your evaluation, we can get you set up with one of our many treatment programs. During these programs, you’ll attend individual and group therapies that focus on your trauma and show you new ways to mitigate the stresses of your triggers. We even have specialty programs for veterans, emergency responders and other high-risk groups to connect with people who have similar experiences.

Based on your situation, you may be recommended to join our:

  • Inpatient program: Our inpatient program gives you full access to our campus, including your own private room. We seek to change the stigma around rehab programs by offering luxurious, home-like amenities that encourage comfort and relaxation. When you can stay calm in our facility, you can address your triggers more clearly and get more out of your program. We monitor our clients around the clock to help them resist relapse urges and manage their mental health during this vulnerable time.
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP): The partial hospitalization program works similarly to inpatient, with one notable difference — clients in this program return home in the evenings. This is a good program for those with unavoidable at-home responsibilities who still need the support of on-site care.
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP): Our outpatient rehab program for Reno residents requires the smallest time commitment of our programs. You’ll come into our clinic for a few hours every day for therapy, but otherwise, you’ll be free to go to school or your job and maintain your outside life while you work on your recovery.

How to Get Started With Drug and Alcohol Rehab Near Reno

If you’re ready to start down the path to recovery, it’s time to reach out to Diamond House Detox. You can contact us online for admittance information or call us anytime at 800-205-6107.

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