A man and woman talking during a therapy session

Marijuana Detoxification

Marijuana is a highly prevalent substance. Many states have legalized it for recreational and medicinal use. Yet, this does not free it from the dangers of misuse. For some, the pull of this drug becomes a chain that entraps them into a life of marijuana addiction. 

If your marijuana use has negatively impacted your life or the lives of your loved ones, it’s time to pursue recovery. Let the compassionate team at Diamond House Detox help. 

Table of Contents:

Diamond House Detox – A Marijuana Detoxification Center

Whether you’re seeking inpatient rehab for marijuana in Sacramento or just weed detoxification, Diamond House Detox offers a wide range of rehabilitation and detoxification services to help you on your road to recovery. We also provide outpatient marijuana addiction treatment for clients unable to attend a residential program due to work, family or personal responsibilities at home.

We offer several therapy treatments, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT helps you rewire the way you think and stop negative thoughts before they take over. This therapy teaches you about your way of thinking and teaches you skills to think and act in more positive ways.
  • Art therapy: Verbally processing triggers and past traumas and physically recovering from addiction can be hard work, which is why we offer art therapy alongside talk therapy. Art therapy allows you to process your emotions non-verbally and lends itself to the mindfulness your brain needs to recover.
  • Trauma therapy: Since many substance abuse disorders are side effects of trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we provide trauma therapy to help clients overcome their past traumas and find healthier coping mechanisms.

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How to Know When It’s Time for Marijuana Rehab

It can be difficult to admit you have a problem, but it’s the first step to recovery. Even in states, like California, in which cannabis is decriminalized, there are people who feel their use of marijuana has gotten out of hand and want to reach out for some professional help. Other times, people may not be able to recognize the warning signs of addiction themselves, but loved ones can voice their opinion when they see something is wrong.

It might be time to go to rehab for weed in Northern California or elsewhere if you notice any of the following:

  • You’re constantly craving the drug.
  • You lie about how often you indulge in drug use.
  • You’ve developed a tolerance for it, requiring you to need higher doses to feel the high.
  • You’re spending money on drugs when you should be covering household bills and expenses.
  • You’ve purposely skipped work or social events just to get high.
  • You’ve tried to quit on your own and failed.
  • You take dangerous risks that put you or others in danger.
  • Your loved ones have reached out to you about the frequency of your drug use.

In addition to all those, you may also experience health-related symptoms, which are possible with prolonged cannabis use — these include:

  • Respiratory issues: Cannabis may be slightly healthier than nicotine, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Longtime cannabis use can result in a chronic cough and an increased risk for lung infections.
  • Cardiovascular issues: When you smoke or ingest cannabis, your heart rate can increase for several hours after consuming the drug, making the chances of a heart attack higher. This is an especially dangerous condition for those who have pre-existing heart conditions.
  • Cognitive issues: Long-term cannabis use can lead to reduced cognitive function, like memory loss and the inability to find contentment in activities you used to love. Psychological dependence is another risk and presents itself in the form of feeling like you need marijuana to deal with everyday tasks.

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About Marijuana Rehab

Marijuana is one of the most commonly used illicit drugs. It has become more socially acceptable as it becomes more readily available due to the legalization in many states for medical and recreational use. Just like other substances, marijuana can also cause individuals to build up a tolerance and experience physical and psychological dependence.

Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include anxiety, fear, dissociation, restlessness, irritability, poor appetite, poor sleep, night sweats and tremors. Some using large amounts may experience paranoia and psychosis. Symptoms of withdrawal can begin 24 hours after last use and can last up to two weeks.

Marijuana withdrawal is not normally life-threatening and is milder compared to other substances. It can be uncomfortable, and it is recommended that those going through withdrawal seek medical attention to help manage and monitor symptoms. Marijuana detoxification involves taking medications for symptom management. The goals of treatment are to address withdrawal symptoms, prevent complications and begin to address abstinence.

Outpatient Marijuana Rehab

Outpatient rehab at Diamond House Detox allows clients to acquire all the benefits of our residential treatment. The difference? You go home at night. Some people can’t take time away from work and other responsibilities. Others have families. Outpatient marijuana addiction treatment gives you the flexibility to find health and healing on your schedule.

Our outpatient treatment focuses on the same core objectives as an inpatient program — withdrawal management, coping skills and relapse prevention. The difference is where you lay your head. Outpatient programs allow clients to return home every evening. 

Depending on your level of need, we may recommend one of the following outpatient programs:

  • Outpatient detox: With outpatient detox, we walk you through marijuana withdrawal symptoms and provide support as your body cleanses itself. We provide medical care and oversight but allow you to return home each evening. 
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP): Our IOP treatment focuses on coping and relapse prevention strategies. Three to four days per week and three-hour sessions provide structure and consistent care. 
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP): Our partial hospitalization program is an option for those more at risk of relapse. This marijuana treatment program has a focused schedule that includes medical services and other addiction treatment programming while still allowing you the support of your home and family. 
  • Marijuana addiction support groups: Walk alongside those who know your struggles and understand the pull of addiction. We host various support groups for our residential and outpatient clients.

FAQs About Marijuana and Marijuana Detox

Because marijuana is legal in California and other states, there is a lot of confusion about this substance and its potential for harm. Here are some FAQs to help shed some light on marijuana addiction and recovery options. With better insight, you can start the process of breaking free from this drug’s hold.

What Is Marijuana?

Marijuana is a drug that’s known by a lot of different names, including cannabis, weed and pot. The drug consists of the leaves and buds of the cannabis plant and is consumed in several ways, including via hand-rolled joints, pipes, vaporizers and more. It can also be mixed in with tea or cooked into foods to create edibles. There are different strains of cannabis, each with different effects.

However, no two people will experience marijuana high the same way since the psychological effects vary based on dozens of factors, including tolerance and mental health. Whether used medicinally or recreationally, different cannabis strains can have one or more of the following physical and mental effects:

  • Relaxation, both physical and mental
  • Euphoria
  • Altered state of mind
  • Impaired short-term memory
  • Altered sense of time
  • Impaired body movement
  • Increased appetite

Oftentimes, medicinal marijuana will be available in edible form, making it easier to consume while prolonging its effects. Unlike inhaling cannabis through the lungs, edibles are eaten, digested and absorbed through the bloodstream, providing a stronger high. However, there needs to be just the right amount of cannabis in the food for it to have the desired effect. Too much marijuana or even a different strain can cause nausea, vomiting and paranoia, along with other undesirable and uncomfortable physical and mental effects.

Who Does Addiction Impact?

Any sort of addiction negatively impacts both the user and their loved ones. Marijuana use disorder is no different, and research shows that approximately 30% of cannabis users will develop a marijuana use disorder — that number increases for people who begin experimenting with marijuana before they’re 18, making them four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder.

The disorder becomes an addiction when the user finds themself unable to carry on with their day-to-day life without using the drug. Alternatively, when a person’s use of marijuana interferes with their everyday life, it’s also a sign of a disorder.

Abusing any drug both harms the user and their friends and family. This can be in the form of worry for the loved one who is abusing the drug or disappointment at the user’s behaviors or discontinued contact. Additionally, the person abusing marijuana may find their work and social lives are negatively affected, as well. Showing up intoxicated to work, performing their professional duties under par or spoiling special social events by acting inappropriately because they are intoxicated are all ways in which excessive and irresponsible marijuana use can lead to alienating loved ones and negatively impacting professional relationships.

How to Recover

There is no medication that magically fixes a marijuana use disorder, but marijuana rehab in Northern California can be simple. Facilities that deal with rehabilitation and recovery offer various therapies, which have been known to be successful for people who feel they’re abusing marijuana.

The disorder becomes an addiction when the user finds themself unable to carry on with their day-to-day life without using the drug. Alternatively, when a person’s use of marijuana interferes with their everyday life, it’s also a sign of a disorder.

Abusing any drug both harms the user and their friends and family. This can be in the form of worry for the loved one who is abusing the drug or disappointment at the user’s behaviors or discontinued contact. Additionally, the person abusing marijuana may find their work and social lives are negatively affected, as well. Showing up intoxicated to work, performing their professional duties under par or spoiling special social events by acting inappropriately because they are intoxicated are all ways in which excessive and irresponsible marijuana use can lead to alienating loved ones and negatively impacting professional relationships.

Who Is at Risk for Marijuana Addiction?

Marijuana is the most widely used illicit substance in the United States. Young people seem to be the group most at risk of developing a cannabis dependence. The rate of adolescent cannabis use continues to rise, with over 30% of high school seniors using marijuana. Vaping is one of the most popular routes of administration and can make marijuana use harder to detect and easier to hide from parents and other authority figures.

It’s hard for addiction specialists to know exactly what elevates a person’s risk for developing marijuana addiction. However, the following factors could explain why certain people are more at risk than others:

  • Biological sex: Men are 2.5 times more likely to use and become dependent on cannabis than women. While the reason may be biological, there are also issues related to peer pressure.
  • Anxiety and depression: Preexisting mental health conditions put people at a higher risk of cannabis use and dependency. Many who struggle with depression or anxiety use marijuana to cope with ever-fluctuating mood changes.
  • Trauma: Abuse, neglect, traumatic experiences — trauma can contribute to the progression of a substance use disorder like marijuana addiction. 
  • Environment: Early exposure to marijuana can put people at a higher risk of ultimately using or misusing the substance. Peer pressure also plays a role. Not only do these situations provide ease of access, but cannabis exposure normalizes its use.
Why Choose Diamond House Detox?

Diamond House Detox is more than just a marijuana rehab center in Sacramento — we offer a range of residential and outpatient treatments for drug and alcohol addiction. Residential programs at one of our many homes, which offer private rooms and reduce the number of stressors to help you focus on your recovery. We also offer group therapy and have a staff chef on-site, because your comfort is just as important as your health.

Diamond House Detox specializes in co-occurring conditions — both substance abuse and mental health — and offers only evidence-based treatments. Clients are also able to access rehabilitation and mental health professionals, including a psychiatric nurse practitioner, an addiction psychiatrist, nurses, medical assistants and drug and alcohol counselors.

How to Maintain Sobriety

Recovery doesn’t end when you leave the facility, which is why we offer an aftercare plan for clients to help them maintain sobriety after their treatment. This can include tips to apply to their day-to-day life, such as how to avoid triggers and how to build healthy relationships that will continue to help with recovery.

Start Your Inpatient or Outpatient Marijuana Treatment Today

If you’re looking for a place to seek rehab for weed in Sacramento, get in touch to book a tour of our facilities or to determine if outpatient treatment is a better fit for you. We offer 24-hour admittance for our inpatient treatments, and we’ll work with you to establish a curated treatment plan to help you detox from marijuana and stay sober after.

Contact Diamond House Detox today!

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