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Methadone Detoxification

Orange pill bottle laying on its side with white pills spilling out

Methadone, a substance used to help people break free from opioid dependence, can be misused, furthering the struggles of those already caught in addiction.

If you’ve developed an increased tolerance and dependence on methadone, even if it’s prescribed by a doctor, it may be time to find freedom in recovery. Learn how Diamond House Detox can help.

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How Diamond House Detox Can Help

If you’re searching for a methadone detox clinic in Northern California, Diamond House Detox is your premier option for addiction treatment. Our well-appointed methadone detox center in Sacramento offers a level of luxury no others can match. It’s not easy to find a methadone detox facility with private rooms, let alone one that offers all the amenities of Diamond House.

Our private methadone detox center in Sacramento, like our other locations, features small, intimate settings over the sterile environments you find at most detoxification facilities. We offer the unique benefit of a personal on-site chef who understands the relationship between nutrition and health — and makes it taste phenomenal.

In addition to being a methadone detox treatment center, Diamond House offers multiple types of therapy, as well as chronic pain management. After an initial, in-depth psychiatric evaluation, we’ll work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to tackle during your stay. Our compassionate experts understand the highly personal nature of addiction, and will tailor your plan for the best results according to your input.

At our Northern California methadone detox program, your comfort is our highest priority. Medical detox from methadone is never easy, but our medical team has the expertise to make the process as smooth as possible. 

If you’re ready to take the first steps on your journey to recovery from methadone addiction, we invite you to call us anytime at 800-205-6107 for confidential help, or fill out our contact form for more information.

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Contact Diamond House to Start Inpatient or Outpatient Methadone Treatment Today

Facing up to methadone addiction and choosing to achieve sobriety are daunting tasks. The good news is, you don’t have to start this journey alone. Diamond House is here to provide the strong foundation you need in an environment beyond compare. If you are ready to benefit from methadone detox near you in Sacramento or to see if outpatient treatment is a better fit for you, call us today.

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How to Know When It’s Time for Methadone Rehab

Methadone addiction is often more challenging to identify than other substance misuse issues because most people begin using it legally. They receive a prescription from their doctor as a means of relieving pain or as part of an addiction program. Frequent use is out as an identifier of methadone addiction, so look for these signs instead.

  • Preoccupation with the drug: The individual may spend growing amounts of time dwelling on their next dose and may be unable to stop thinking about it.
  • Stockpiling: When someone becomes obsessed with methadone, they might start skipping their recommended doses and storing doses for later so they can take more at one time.
  • Loss of control: One of the first signs of addiction is a compulsion to use the drug. It may manifest in a person turning to illegal channels to procure more methadone than their doctor prescribed, or shopping for doctors who will prescribe them more.
  • Tolerance: When someone takes methadone as prescribed, it should not cause a tolerance to build. If someone insists they need more methadone to achieve the same effect, it may be because they’re addicted and taking too much of it.
  • Withdrawal: Withdrawals are the most significant sign of physical addiction. If someone begins experiencing flu-like symptoms after not having had methadone in a day or so, they are probably experiencing withdrawal.
  • Isolation: Addiction leads people to become completely absorbed in the pursuit and consumption of a drug. As a result, most people pull away from friends and family to hide their escalating addiction.
  • Behavioral changes: An addicted individual may start acting more irritable or closed off. They may respond poorly to normal questions that relate to the drug, and display bursts of anger in inappropriate situations.

Two or more of these signs happening at once may indicate you or someone you care about needs to seek help for their methadone addiction. Diamond House Detox is a top methadone clinic in Sacramento, CA. Contact us today if you need help. 

methadone withdrawal symptoms

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The Importance of Detoxing From Methadone

Trying to quit methadone cold turkey doesn’t work, because methadone withdrawals are excruciatingly unpleasant. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Restlessness, anxiety and agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Constant yawning
  • Tearing or watery eyes
  • Sweating and shivering
  • Tremors
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps and diarrhea

Methadone’s long action window means someone who stops taking it will start experiencing withdrawal symptoms between 12 and 48 hours after last use of the drug. The withdrawals peak within the first few days and symptoms can persist at varying levels for up to 20 days. The pain and discomfort from the symptoms make it nearly impossible for people to resist relapsing, as more methadone feels like the only thing that will make withdrawals stop.

Medical detoxification is the only way to safely eliminate methadone from your system in relative comfort. The process can address withdrawal symptoms to allow you to get through the worst parts of withdrawal in a safe environment, under medical supervision.

Medical professionals will monitor you throughout the process to ensure you’re properly hydrated and getting enough nutrition, both of which are crucial in reducing withdrawal symptoms. They may also dispense medications that will ease the process of withdrawal under their care. Without medical detox from methadone, the chances of recovering decrease considerably.

Detoxing at a rehab facility is not the only option. Medically supervised outpatient detox allows you to go through this process in the comfort and familiarity of home. Our medical experts can help you determine if you are a good candidate for outpatient detox, as this requires a more stable support system and the ability to manage your health and personal responsibilities. 

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Other Treatment Methods for Methadone Addiction

Eliminating methadone from your system is only the first step of the journey to recovery. Addiction is equal parts mental and physical, so a robust psychological support system is necessary to break free from the underlying issues that led to drug abuse in the first place. These are three forms of therapy qualified facilities commonly and effectively use to treat methadone addiction. We use all three at our Sacramento methadone clinic.

1. Individual and Group Talk Therapy

When it comes to unraveling the thread of addiction, talk therapy is a time-tested and invaluable tool. Therapy allows you to explore the roots of your addiction and tease out what factors led you to abuse methadone. One-on-one therapy is essential to recovery, and many individuals find valuable support in group therapy as well.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a method designed to evaluate the linkages between your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. CBT can help you break down the unconscious processes behind addiction and identify triggers that cause drug cravings. The ultimate goal of CBT is to help you change behavioral patterns and learn healthy coping mechanisms for everything life throws your way.

3. Art Therapy

It’s not always easy to talk about addiction and its deep-seated causes. For those times, art therapy is indispensable. Art therapy allows you to express emotions you can’t explain in words, and may even help you uncover feelings you didn’t know were there. For many who need a non-verbal outlet, art therapy can open up new doors to recovery.

More Flexibility With Outpatient Methadone Treatment 

Man sitting on sofa in deep thought

Some people can take time to focus on their recovery from methadone in a safe, residential treatment center. For others, work, kids and other personal responsibilities require a treatment option that fits their schedule. That’s why we are proud to offer outpatient methadone addiction treatment. Get the help you need with the ability to go home every evening.

If you can handle the stressors of home and you get medically cleared by our team, we have several outpatient treatment programs that help those struggling with methadone addiction find a solid foundation toward recovery.

Partial Hospitalization Program

If you have a higher risk of relapsing, you’re struggling with co-occurring mental health disorders or require medical-assisted detox, our partial hospitalization program (PHP) is an excellent option. This comprehensive outpatient option ensures you get the treatment you need to break free from methadone while addressing underlying medical issues.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Need more flexibility in your schedule? Intensive outpatient programs are dedicated therapeutic sessions for a few hours, around four days a week. You will meet with licensed addiction professionals to learn valuable coping skills and relapse prevention strategies. 

Transition to Everyday Life in a Sober Living Home

Normal life does not have to be your next step after residential treatment. Sober living homes serve as a stepping stone on your recovery journey. Slowly take on personal and professional responsibilities in a supportive environment designed to help you maintain your recovery. 

Ongoing Support for a Lifelong Journey

Recovery is a continual process, not a one-time event. Although medical detox and a rigorous therapeutic program in residential treatment are essential for jumpstarting your journey, you will still need support to maintain your newfound sobriety in the long run. A variety of support groups exist to help those in recovery from methadone addiction, including:

Any of these groups can help provide the social support you need to continue moving forward with strength in your recovery.

What to Know About Methadone Detox

Methadone is a medication used most often to treat opioid addiction. However, this drug that has been helping people get back their sobriety for nearly 50 years also has a darker side many don’t like to acknowledge. People can and do get addicted to methadone, and the consequences can be dire. Understanding the mechanics behind methadone and addiction is key for anyone struggling with methadone abuse or concerned about a loved one’s abuse.

What Is Methadone, and How Does it Work?

Methadone is a synthetic analgesic, a term describing a human-made pain reliever. Its primary use is as an addiction treatment medication, but doctors sometimes dispense it for general pain relief. As an opioid, methadone is in the same family as other drugs such as oxycodone, morphine and even heroin.

Opioids are a group of drugs that interact with a specific set of receptors in the brain and the rest of the body. These receptors allow compounds in opioids to latch on, and those opioid compounds then create a variety of effects across the whole body. Different opioid drugs vary greatly in potency, so they result in a range of changes in the body. The most common responses are reductions in the ability to feel pain, as well as a feeling of euphoria.

Methadone, however, does not result in euphoria on the level of drugs like heroin or even prescription painkillers like OxyContin. While it binds to the same receptors as other opioid medications, methadone takes longer to take effect, and it doesn’t produce euphoria in someone who is already addicted to other opioids. Instead, it helps block the effects of other opioids, while preventing the worst of the pain of withdrawal.

What Is Methadone Addiction?

So, if methadone doesn’t produce the same high as other drugs, how can it result in addiction? Remember, this medication is still an opioid, and has the same potential to create physical addiction as other drugs in its class. So even if someone on methadone doesn’t necessarily feel like they are getting high, they will experience moderate to severe symptoms of withdrawal as their body struggles to function without the drug.

Methadone addiction entails the inability to quit using the drug, even when the drug use threatens their health, work and relationships.

Who Is at Risk for Methadone Addiction?

Doctors prescribe methadone for two reasons: as part of an opioid addiction treatment program, or to relieve chronic pain. Pew Trusts recognizes that despite its addictive potential, most states classify methadone as a “preferred drug” when it comes to prescribing painkillers. That means it’s more likely for clients’ insurance to cover it, and that doctors can prescribe it as the first line of defense against pain.

For clients who haven’t experienced opioid medications before, methadone can produce a form of euphoria that makes abuse and addiction more likely. Pew Trusts also notes that both the American Academy of Pain Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend insurers take methadone off preferred drug lists for this reason.

People prescribed methadone as part of an opioid addiction treatment program may be at a lesser risk for addiction to the drug, as they already have a tolerance for opioids and can only receive one dose each day, which they must obtain from a licensed methadone clinic. However, anyone who gets a prescription for methadone is at risk of becoming addicted to it. 

Impact of Methadone Addiction

When compared to heroin or even a prescription painkiller, methadone is not as instantaneously addictive. However, the addiction can be as powerful on a physical level. Withdrawals from methadone may last longer due to the drug’s extremely long action time. That long action time also makes it easier for people to overdose on methadone if they take it outside the guidelines of their prescription.

When prescribed outside of medication-assisted treatment programs for opioid addiction, methadone is a risky drug to take. The last available statistics reveal methadone accounts for around 2% of all opioid prescriptions, yet is involved in approximately 30% of opioid overdose deaths. Without the appropriate methadone detox treatment, an overdose is a real possibility.

Looking to the Future: Tips for Maintaining Sobriety

After you leave residential detoxification treatment, you’ll need strategies to stay on track during the lifelong process of recovery. Your therapist can provide you with a much more exhaustive list of do’s and don’ts for retaining sobriety, but these three tips will give you an idea of what to expect.

1. Sleep, Eat, Exercise, Repeat

There is an inextricable link between your physical health and your mental health, and maintaining your body is a crucial part of staying safely sober. During your stay at Diamond House, you’ll have the benefit of gourmet meals prepared with nutrition in mind, and you’ll learn about how to eat well outside of treatment. Exercise is essential in healing your body and mind, and good sleep habits can prevent stress that triggers drug cravings.

2. Pick up a Constructive Hobby

When you’ve cut drug use out of your life, you may find yourself with a lot of extra time on your hands. If you’re not careful, that idle time can lead to renewed drug cravings. Picking up a hobby, especially one with a physical component, can provide structure and entertainment that fill the void drug use leaves behind. Take up painting, join a casual sports team or learn to build cabinets. Any constructive activity can strengthen your sobriety significantly.

3. Find New Friends

When you’re embarking on a journey to better yourself, you often find some people in your life are holding you back. You may find some of your friendships lose their luster without the common denominator of drug use, or that some friends enable you to use when they should be providing support.

Part of recovery is surrounding yourself with people who will help keep your path to permanent sobriety clear, rather than putting obstacles in your way. Doing so may require you to make new friends.

Learn About Residential and Outpatient Methadone Treatment at Diamond House Detox

Diamond House Detox in Northern California specializes in addiction treatment. But our real focus is people. People working to get their lives back on track. If you struggle with methadone dependence or misuse, let us know.

We look forward to customizing a treatment plan catered to your unique needs. Contact us today to learn more.

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