Woman speaking during a support group meeting

Inpatient & Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Detox Serving Chico

Private Drug & Alcohol Detox Serving Chico

We happily service patients coming from the City of Chico, California seeking detox services. Our program specializes in the application of medications, not only for detoxification purposes, but also to address symptoms related to co-occurring disorders.

Contact Us

Many stand-alone detox facilities require that patients come with detox medications prescribed by their outside provider. The issue with this way of providing detox is that the medications are not tailored to the unique individual or their symptoms. Detox is NOT a one size fits all approach.

At Diamond House we believe that no two individuals share the exact same symptoms. This approach allows us to work with each individual by customizing their medications to their needs. We have the flexibility to work with you at your comfort level, and because we have a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner onsite, we also will be addressing underlying issues such as treatment of anxiety, depression, PTSD and mood disorders. Medications are not included in the cost of treatment.

We offer the following:

Why choose Diamond House Detox?