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Heroin Detoxification

A Private Heroin Detox Center in Northern California

A residential detox program is the best possible way to kickstart your journey to sobriety, but not all facilities are equal. Diamond House is the leading heroin detox clinic with private rooms and the perfect heroin detox near you in Sacramento. Diamond House’s goal is to create a detoxification treatment in California that prioritizes your comfort for better sobriety outcomes.

For those who cannot take time away due to work or family commitments, we also offer outpatient heroin treatment programs

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Start Your Inpatient or Outpatient Heroin Treatment Today

Choosing to acknowledge your addiction and get appropriate heroin detox in California is one of the bravest things a person can do. Choosing the right partner for detox and treatment is one of the smartest. If you’re looking for a heroin detox treatment center in Sacramento or elsewhere in Northern California, Diamond House offers the premier facility in the area.

Guests from around the country are also welcome to treatment through medical Suboxone detox from heroin in Sacramento, as Diamond House is happy to offer services to get you to and from the airport with ease. Diamond House offers short-term detox treatments of seven to 10 days, as well as residential recovery of up to 30 days and outpatient treatment options depending on your unique needs and circumstances. The cost of treatment depends on the length of your stay and the extent of your care needs, so we offer you flexibility with available financing.

You deserve the best heroin addiction detox in California experience possible, and Diamond House can deliver it. If you’re ready to break free from the grip of heroin addiction, don’t wait a day longer. Call Diamond House any time at 800-205-6107 for confidential help, or reach out to us online via our contact form. Our caring representatives are available 24/7 to answer your pressing questions and put your mind at ease about the admissions, insurance and any other concerns you have about taking your first steps toward a life free from heroin addiction.

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Why Environment Matters

The average detox center is not a fun place to be. Most facilities feel strangely sterile and don’t encourage you to get comfortable and enjoy your experience. At Diamond House Detox, we designed our residential heroin addiction treatment in California to change all that, and make detoxing from drugs or alcohol an experience you’ll remember positively.

As a heroin detox center with private rooms, Diamond House respects your privacy as a patient and a guest. With only six rooms in each of our heroin detox centers in Northern California, you can count on truly individualized attention in an unmatched setting. You will be able to socialize with other guests and participate in medical treatments and therapy, but you’ll also be able to retreat to your private room for rest and reflection.

One of Diamond House’s unique features is the focus on mind-body connection and addressing it through meals. Chef Bob Birnschein serves guests gourmet dishes that nourish physically and spiritually, creating a one-of-a-kind experience that will change your relationship to food for the better.

Diamond House staff are experienced, educated and compassionate about addiction. There is no judgment here, only support. With the expertise of our medical staff and counselors, you’ll receive the help you need to build a strong foundation for sobriety going forward.

The Importance of Medical Detox From Heroin

Heroin’s extreme potency has significant long-term effects on the body. It causes severe physical damage and can even lead to serious brain injury as well. Heroin’s grip on the central nervous system makes quitting cold turkey all but impossible. Within hours of taking your last dose, you’ll face withdrawal symptoms, including:

  • Nausea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Sweating
  • Trembling and shaking
  • Insomnia and restlessness
  • Uncontrollable yawning
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Muscle spasms

While not usually life-threatening, the symptoms of heroin withdrawal are often excruciating. It’s enough to make anyone reach for the needle again. Medically assisted detoxification is the only way to safely eliminate heroin from your system.

heroin withdrawal symptoms

Medical detox places you under the care of doctors and nurses who closely monitor your state to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible during the entire process. As symptoms arise, your medical team can minimize them with appropriate medication. Medical detox programs also help ensure you’re as healthy as possible at the start of your recovery by monitoring your hydration and nutrition.

For those who prefer detox in familiar surroundings, outpatient detox allows you to stay at home, comforted by family and friends, as your body rids itself of the influence of heroin.

What to Know About Heroin Detox

Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs in existence. This powerful opioid can lead users into physical dependence within a matter of days, leading to addiction that grows in severity with each use of the drug. Heroin addiction can drastically alter lives, changing people into shadows of their former selves and destroying relationships in the process.

Thankfully, there is hope for those struggling with addiction to heroin. With appropriate treatment, you or your addicted loved one can turn the tables and claim sobriety. The first step is understanding the origins and effects of this addictive drug.

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How to Know When It’s Time to Detox From Heroin

Heroin is not a subtle drug. When someone snorts or injects it, the effects come on fast and strong ⁠— which is a significant part of the drug’s allure. The initial side effect of heroin use is an overpowering rush of euphoria, accompanied by several less appealing symptoms, including:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Disorientation and motor skill disruption
  • Impaired cognitive function
  • Severe itching

These effects persist for about three to five hours before dissipating. For some people, the off-putting symptoms are unpleasant enough to prevent them from using heroin again. But for others, the pleasurable effects lead to more and more use until the person becomes addicted. How do you know if someone is addicted to heroin? Look for these signs:

  • Social withdrawal and isolation
  • Increasing irritability
  • Baseless agitation
  • Growing paranoia and secretiveness
  • Obsession with the drug
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • Abandonment of family and work responsibilities
  • More frequent drug use
  • Use of higher quantities of drugs

Addiction becomes apparent when the affected person starts to feel their drug use is out of control. Even if someone addicted to heroin won’t consciously admit it, their behavior will start pointing to a clear loss of control.

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Why You Should Get Help for a Heroin Addiction


People addicted to heroin live in a constant state of fear. They worry about losing their jobs, ruining their relationships and degrading their health. With more heroin use, those fears may come to pass and leave one major question looming at all times: How will I get my next fix?

When someone’s life becomes dedicated to the pursuit of heroin, it’s time to consider a California heroin detox program. However, if you or someone you care about is experiencing any personality or life changes related to heroin use, it’s imperative to get early treatment that can head off the addiction before it spirals out of control.

While rehab is a unique experience for each person, there are several key reasons you should consider getting help with heroin in California at a treatment at a heroin detox center.

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1. Hiding Substance Abuse

Often, those with a substance use disorder hide the problem. Because heroin is an illicit substance, secrecy comes with the territory. As lies and concealment become the status quo, rehab may be the only way for people to start living their lives free from the need to hide.

Some people addicted to heroin can maintain their career, friendships and family responsibilities. These types of people are called high-functioning addicts. While they may seem to have it all together, a life-changing event such as a DUI or overdose may be just around the corner.

2. Loss of Control

Addiction becomes apparent when the affected person starts to feel their drug use is out of control. Even if someone addicted to heroin won’t consciously admit it, their behavior will start pointing to a clear loss of control. Detox programs can loosen addiction’s grasp so individuals can regain sobriety.

3. Messed Up Priorities

People addicted to heroin live in a constant state of fear. They worry about losing their jobs, ruining their relationships and degrading their health. With more heroin use, those fears may come to pass and leave one major question looming at all times: How will I get my next fix? At this point, an addicted individual may not care about what they lose or who they hurt. A treatment program is the only way to help them regain a healthy sense of balance.

4. Addiction Is a Disease

Addiction is a disease, and like any other chronic illness, treatment is an essential part of getting better. Those struggling with heroin abuse don’t have to hit rock bottom to get the help they need.

Recovering From Heroin Addiction

Beating heroin addiction requires deep commitment and a structured treatment program designed by experts in the field of recovery. It’s hard work, and you can’t do it all by yourself. There are three points to keep at the forefront of your mind as you prepare for addiction treatment.

1. The Case for Counseling

One of the cornerstones of addiction treatment is therapy or counseling. While safely removing heroin from your body through a detox program is a crucial first step, therapy is a necessary form of follow-through that will increase your chances of remaining sober and stable. Therapy addresses the underlying drivers of addiction and helps you identify some of the triggers that may lead to overwhelming heroin cravings. Some of these triggers include:

  • General stress from day-to-day life
  • Environmental cues, such as visiting a certain neighborhood
  • Social cues from friends or family who use

Once you’ve identified your triggers, you can then get to work on coping with them. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that focuses on changing ingrained behaviors. With strategies learned from CBT, you will have a strong array of methods to combat cravings and stay unwavering in your sobriety.

Art therapy is another form of counseling that makes a powerful supplement to CBT and traditional talk therapy. Not everyone is great at articulating their emotions and thought processes, so having the option to express yourself non-verbally is often quite liberating. The right combination of counseling types will fill out the toolkit you need to build strength in sobriety.

2. The Need for Ongoing Support

The formation of a strong support network is fundamental to maintaining recovery. Friends and family can be a good place to start, but the best support often comes from those who have been in your shoes. Support groups like Narcotics Anonymous and SMART Recovery bring together people who have wrestled with addiction and are committed to staying in recovery.

Support groups allow you to learn from others’ experiences, helping build a mental library of strategies that work while avoiding ones that don’t.

3. The Mindset for the Journey

The essential thing to remember about recovery is that it’s a lifelong journey. Although you have gotten heroin out of your system, the process of becoming addicted changes your brain in some ways that are permanent. It will get easier over time, but you have to prepare yourself to work long and hard to maintain your sobriety. As long as you put the work in, you can live the healthy, happy and productive life you deserve.

Outpatient Heroin Treatment: When Leaving Home Is Not an Option

At Diamond House Detox, we want to help you recover. Some people cannot take time away from their busy lives to enter a residential treatment program. That’s why we offer life-saving outpatient care. If you need help breaking free from heroin addiction and dependency but cannot take time away from work or kids, outpatient treatment is an ideal solution.

Our heroin outpatient programming includes the same components of our residential treatment, like detox if needed, withdrawal management, addiction therapy, support groups and relapse prevention strategies. The main difference is where you sleep at night. Outpatient treatment allows you to return to the comfort of your own home. 

Heroin Outpatient Programs at Diamond House Detox

Upon your arrival at Diamond House Detox, we take the time to understand your unique circumstances. This helps us recommend a residential or outpatient program catered to your unique needs. 

If this method is the right option for you, we offer several outpatient treatment programs that you can participate in:

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

This outpatient option is an intensive treatment for those actively struggling with the mental and physical impact of heroin addiction. Partial hospitalization helps reduce your risk of relapse and gives you the high level of care you need. You’ll receive medical monitoring and evidence-based treatment every weekday for three to four weeks or as you long as you need it.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

For those who need a less time-intensive program while coping with heroin addiction, IOP is a great way to bring structure and consistency to your life. This outpatient program helps you learn coping strategies and essential relapse prevention techniques in three-hour sessions several days per week. 

Sober Living

Some people aren’t ready to go it alone after residential care. Sober living offers an excellent transition between inpatient and outpatient treatment or returning to everyday life. This recovery environment includes a supportive sober community along with our individualized treatment options.

What Is Heroin and How Is It Used?

Heroin is a human-made opioid, placing it in the category of drugs derived from the opium poppy. Scientists first synthesized the drug in 1874, and the Bayer Pharmaceutical Company started commercially producing it in 1898. The initial goal of heroin was to replace morphine. For a few years, heroin was an ingredient in many medications. You could once walk into a pharmacy and get a cough medicine with heroin as the main ingredient.

However, it quickly became apparent that heroin was highly addictive. The Harrison Narcotics Act banned the use of heroin in 1914. Since then, drug officials have been fighting a battle against heroin addiction that ebbs and flows with time.

Today, more people are addicted to heroin than ever. Pure heroin is a white powder predominantly manufactured in South America and sometimes Southeast Asia. However, most heroin in the U.S. is “black tar” heroin, which is primarily produced in Mexico. Because of crude processing methods, this product contains many impurities and can be either sticky such as roofing tar or hard as coal.

Heroin dominates the U.S. drug markets east of the Mississippi River. Typically, it’s sold as a white or brownish powder that is “cut” or diluted with a cheap substance such as sugar, powdered milk, starch or quinine. While pure heroin can be snorted or smoked, cheaper heroin has to be dissolved, diluted and injected, either into the veins, under the skin or directly into muscles.

Whether pure or impure, heroin rapidly enters the brain, where it binds to opioid receptors responsible for feelings of pain, pleasure and other bodily functions. After a hit of heroin, these chemical changes flood the brain, giving users a feeling of intense pleasure that’s especially desirable to those struggling with co-occurring mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression.

The Scope of Heroin Addiction

Heroin use in the United States has been steadily rising since 2007. In 2021, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health counted about 1.1 million Americans as having used heroin within the past year. Because this survey relies on self-reporting, there’s a strong chance the actual number is much higher.

Another survey reveals the number of individuals who used heroin for the first time was astronomical in 2019, with 50,000 beginning heroin use that year

When it comes to fully fledged addiction, the numbers highlight another troubling upward trend. In 2021, nearly 1 million people had a heroin use disorder in the past 12 months.

Heroin used to have a reputation as a problem drug that only affected people in big cities. With the spread of the opioid crisis, heroin’s popularity has skyrocketed even in suburban and rural communities. Anyone can become addicted to heroin, and it’s an intense struggle to stop that addiction in its tracks.

How to Maintain Your Sobriety

Going through heroin detox is a trying process, but the resulting sobriety is worth it. Holding onto your long-term sobriety requires you to implement a variety of strategies to make your new life easier to maintain. Here are a few tips to help you envision what maintaining sobriety looks like.

1. Change Things Up

Addiction is the result of unhealthy habits, routines and hangouts. In many cases, you’ll need to develop a completely new routine to fill up all the time you used to spend finding and using heroin. Obviously, you’ll need to break contact with people you did drugs with or got drugs from, but you may also need to avoid certain places that can trigger cravings. Incorporating more time with friends and family into your schedule will help keep you out of triggering situations.

2. Pay Attention to Your Health

Heroin can devastate the body. One of your first priorities in recovery is to pick up new, healthy habits that will benefit your body and, thereby, your mind. For example, regular exercise can help reduce depression and anxiety ⁠— both common conditions to experience in the early days of recovery. Proper nutrition also bolsters mental health while helping your body recuperate from weeks, months or years of drug use.

3. Find Something You’re Passionate About

Addiction makes it feel like getting high is the only thing to live for, and it can be difficult to replace that feeling with something else. One of the most challenging aspects of recovery is finding activities that promote true fulfillment. If you’re lucky, you may derive this satisfaction from your job. If not, you’ll need to experiment with different hobbies or activities to find one that works for you. Volunteering with local organizations is an excellent place to get started.

4. Make New Friends

A strong support network will see you through those tough days when things feel bleak and recovery seems impossible. Seek out new friendships or solidify healthy old friendships to ensure you are surrounded by those who will walk by your side throughout your addiction treatment program.

5. Discover a Sense of Balance

Addiction is a disease characterized by being off-balance, with extreme highs followed by extreme lows. Obsessing over heroin leaves you little time for things such as family or work. While using, you can protect yourself from pain and numb bad sensations and feelings. Once you begin your recovery journey, finding balance is crucial. Running from your feelings is no longer an option — no one can avoid painful feelings or memories. However, discovering a sense of balance helps you appreciate the little things in life as you learn to deal with life’s struggles without heroin.

Learn More About Inpatient and Outpatient Heroin Treatment at Diamond House Detox

The compassionate team at Diamond House Detox is committed to helping you reclaim your freedom from the grips of heroin addiction. We offer truly individualized treatment that focuses on your unique needs and circumstances. We curate our treatment options to help you find a road to recovery that you can maintain. 

If you want to learn about medically assisted detox, residential treatment options or our outpatient programs, please reach out today. We will walk you through the admission process so you can address heroin’s hold on your life. 

Explore Additional Resources on Heroin Abuse