Chef’s Philosophy
Our Executive Chef believes being healthy isn’t just about the physical aspects like eating better and exercise. It’s about all aspects of your health: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. He follows 3 basic rules to being healthy:
- Moderation: use the 80/20 rule, 80% percent of the time. Choose to eat fresh, healthy foods that make you feel strong and vibrant. The other 20% allow yourself to have a treat so you don’t feel deprived, again Moderation being the key.
- Listen to what your body is telling you: that simply means, notice how you feel after you eat certain foods. Practice the concept of bio-individuality (everyone’s body is a little bit different), so food and exercise that works for you may not work for someone else.
- Remember that your entire life is connected: Your life is a system and each part impacts the other. Practice healthy eating habits, exercise but also include spiritual, mental and emotional health.