7 Signs You’re in a Healthy Relationship

Content medically reviewed by Vicky Magobet, PMHNP-BC, on March 8, 2021.

You might not know how to recognize a healthy relationship if you've never had one before. You might spend all of your time thinking you missed red flags when you're actually in a good place. Here are seven signs that you are in a healthy relationship.

1. You Communicate Effectively

People in healthy relationships talk about what's going on, how they're feeling and what they're struggling with. They communicate effectively to ensure they are always on the same page.

Solid communication is also part of effective conflict resolution. When you can openly communicate your emotions to your partner and resolve issues in a productive way, you are likely in a healthy relationship.

2. You Trust Each Other

Healthy relationships revolve around trust and honesty. Trusting partners don't lie or keep secrets from one another.

You should feel safe and confident in your relationship and know that your partner would never intentionally hurt you physically or emotionally. Jealousy has no place in a healthy relationship because you trust your partner completely and know that they wouldn't cheat.

3. You Have Personal Space

In a healthy relationship, you should maintain a sense of who you are as an individual. While you love spending time together, you're also comfortable spending time apart to do things that matter to you, like hobbies and connecting with friends.

4. You Have Fun

You enjoy each other's company! People in healthy relationships can joke, laugh and have fun together even in trying times. You enjoy talking about shared interests, doing things together and trying out new activities.

5. You Enjoy Intimacy

Physical bonding is an important part of a loving relationship, regardless of the form it takes. Sex can be part of it, but physical intimacy also extends to cuddling, kissing, hugging and sleeping together.

You should also share emotional intimacy and communicate your needs. People in healthy, intimate relationships are able to openly talk about their desires, likes and dislikes and any other related topics that may come up.

6. You're on the Same Team

You're called partners for a reason. In a healthy relationship, you should always work together and strive toward goals as a team instead of trying to go it alone or working against each other.

7. You Grow Together

You and your partner encourage and support each other every day. You talk about your goals and dreams, and you take steps to help each other reach your maximum potential. You always cheer each other on and keep each other's best interests in mind.

Healthy couples grow together instead of holding each other back.

Seek a Healthier Life

Part of being in a healthy relationship is being healthy as an individual. If you or your partner is struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism, it could take a toll on an otherwise great relationship.

At Diamond House Detox, we provide drug and alcohol treatment and work to identify the underlying disorders and circumstances that lead to addiction. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner at Diamond House Detox
Vicky is a board certified Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She began her nursing career in healthcare by working in the intensive care unit, and then an inpatient psychiatric hospital. After realizing the mental health needs of both the patients and the families she served, she became a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Throughout her experience working with clients, she has developed a passion for those with dual diagnoses and specializes in helping individuals recognize the issues driving their substance use. This recognition has been crucial to the individual’s success in treatment. Vicky opened Diamond House Detox so that she can address these issues early on in a therapeutic environment to allow clients to transition to the next level in their recovery.
Vicky Magobet