If you struggle with alcohol abuse or addiction, it can be extremely difficult to break its tie on your life on your own. However, there are a lot of personal obstacles many people struggle with before they're able to ask for help. Maybe you're afraid of what people will say if they find out about your alcohol abuse. Maybe you haven't hit rock bottom, so you feel like you can tough it out without help, or maybe you feel like you should be stronger and don't want to admit the hold alcohol has on you.
Whatever the reason, don't let excuses stop you. If you feel out of control and wish that someone would help you, then it's time to consider rehab.
However, even those who struggle with alcohol addiction still hesitate to seek out rehab treatment. After all, when it's your alcohol abuse, it's hard to remain objective. Deciding when it's time to go to rehab is a choice every individual needs to make for themselves. No magic voice will whisper in your ear that now's the time, but certain signs indicate that rehab is the best choice for both you and your family. Rehab is the first step to recovery, and it needs to be viewed as a tool to make your life better.
Some, or all, of the following signs can be an indicator that rehab can help you get your life back on track:
When alcohol starts to impact your performance at work, then you know it's time to make a change. You may think you're the only one affected by your alcohol usage, but your co-workers and supervisors have probably noticed. You may have had to call in sick a few times, or you've dropped the ball on an important project.
Eventually, these issues at work could lead to you getting let go. If you see that alcohol is impacting your livelihood, then rehab is the best course of action. Talk to your human resources manager to find out if an extended absence is permissible while you seek out professional help.
Have you begun isolating yourself from personal relationships? Or are there people who won't speak to you anymore because of your alcohol abuse? Conflicts, fights and loss of contact with those important to you are all indicators that alcohol is impacting your personal relationships.
Rehab may help mend these close ties before you lose them all together. The experience is designed so that you learn the importance of support from others, like family and friends.
If you abuse alcohol on a regular basis, chances are you have attempted to drive while intoxicated. Not only can this lead to serious legal repercussions if you're pulled over and given a DUI, but it also endangers the life of everyone you're on the road with.
If getting pulled over has resulted in probation, community service or even jail time, then it's time to show the world you're serious about recovery. Rehab will give you the tools you need to live a life of sobriety.
Admitting it's time to go to rehab means acknowledging how your alcohol addiction is impacting your life and the lives of those who care about you. It's also about realizing you need help to improve your situation. For the sake of your relationships, your health and your future livelihood, contact Diamond House Detox to have a confidential conversation with a representative about treatment options that are available to you.
Content medically reviewed by Vicky Magobet, PMHNP-BC, on July 16th, 2018.