For those who have successfully gone through rehab, fears about relapsing into old patterns are very real. It's essential for you to supplement your mental, physical and emotional recovery needs with the help of medical professionals. While the temptation to use again may always be there, with preparation, you'll be able to handle it and avoid relapsing.
First, it's important to understand addiction has as much to do with brain chemistry as your emotions. There are certain situations that may trigger past addicts to want to use again. Knowing these triggers and the tools you can use to handle them is a vital part of your recovery. By practicing these techniques, you can prevent fear from overtaking your life.
When you're in treatment, everything from major decisions to your daily schedule is decided by professionals. Once you complete rehab, you are responsible for your daily choices. Before leaving any treatment facility, know who you can call if you find yourself in a situation that might cause a relapse. Be sure to have both professionals and loved ones available to remove you from such environments and take you to a meeting or even back for treatment.
Support groups can also be crucial to managing your fear of relapse after recovering. Sharing with a likeminded community who understands your struggles and celebrates your triumphs is a great way to remind yourself of what you have already done and what you can continue to accomplish.
After recovery, you can't just go back to the same friends and lifestyle you had when addicted to drugs or alcohol. Find replacement activities for those old, detrimental pastimes. Take up a new hobby or volunteer for a local organization. Fill your time with positive things that occupy your mind and push out your fear of recurrence.
Fear can be almost debilitating for some individuals. If you find yourself worrying or even having panic attacks over your fears, talk to your therapist about your concerns. Together, you can decide if medication is a viable option and what type might help you get past your worries over relapse.
You need a sponsor to help you with long-term addiction recovery. Typically, sponsors are people who suffered from addiction in the past and have since been clean for many years. You can also work with a therapist specializing in addiction. Whenever you fear you are about to relapse, your automatic reaction should be to call your sponsor and share your fears.
Write out some of the successes you've already had on the road to recovery. Whenever doubt overtakes you, read through the goals you've already met. You've come this far, so remind yourself that you can achieve your goals.
At Diamond House Detox, we offer dual diagnosis treatment options. For those struggling with addiction and mental illness, the battle can seem almost overwhelming. Our goal is to work alongside each client and find a custom treatment plan with the best chance for success.
Undiagnosed mental health issues are often a factor in addiction. Upon arriving at Diamond House Detox, our team assesses whether you need a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. We keep both mental health and physical health professionals on hand for dual diagnosis treatment.
If you need a dual diagnosis treatment center in Northern California, we encourage you to contact us online or call us at (800) 205-6107 for a confidential consultation. Reach out to Diamond House Detox today to learn about drug rehab and how to take the first step in your journey to a new life.
This content was medically reviewed by Vicky Magobet PMHNP-BC, on January 31st, 2020.
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