What Is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

Addiction does not target a certain kind of person — it can affect anyone at any time in their life. Because every person who struggles with substance use is different, there must be various treatment options to cater to each client's level of need.

Residential addiction treatment is the most intensive and comprehensive service most addiction centers offer. It allows clients to reside in the facility 24/7 until they can manage their recovery on their own. Just a step below that is the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). PHP is a part-time outpatient treatment option that lets clients return home to their families and responsibilities every day.

Who Should Use a Partial Hospitalization Program?

The PHP is an ideal solution for people who cannot commit to a full residential treatment option, whether for financial reasons or personal obligations. In Diamond House Detox's PHP, you come to our Sacramento facility every weekday for therapy and treatment, then return home in the evenings to take care of work, family and other duties.

The most important factor in determining whether someone is suitable for a Partial Hospitalization Program, though, is whether they can maintain sobriety independently for at least some time. If your home is supportive of your treatment and doesn't trigger you to relapse, PHP may be your ideal service.

What to Expect in a Partial Hospitalization Program for Addiction

Any treatment at Diamond House Detox starts with an evaluation. We want to learn more about you, your treatment goals and your life outside our facility. If we determine you're a good candidate for our PHP, we'll enter you into treatment right away. Every day, your schedule will revolve around:

  • Individual therapy: One-on-one therapies let you dive deep and get to the root of your addiction struggles so you can start recovering from them and maintain sobriety down the road. Our therapies range from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), art therapy and trauma therapy.
  • Group therapy: Group therapy allows you to connect with other people dealing with similar challenges and learn new coping skills from their firsthand experiences.
  • Psychiatric appointments: Our psychiatrists and doctors on staff can ensure you have the right medications to fight your addiction and any co-occurring disorders. You'll need to meet with them regularly as you figure out which medications work for you.

How Long Does Partial Hospitalization Last?

Partial hospitalization is often a stepping stone before committing to a full-time residential program or before less frequent intensive outpatient services. Because of that, it's usually a short-term program that lasts between two weeks and a month. The exact length of your stay depends on how much treatment you need and what your insurance deems appropriate.

Learn More About PHP With Diamond House Detox

Discover everything our partial hospitalization program can offer you by contacting the Diamond House Detox team. Our evidence-based programs are based on practicing mindfulness and developing long-term strategies to cope with addiction. We've worked with clients who've experienced numerous substances and co-occurring disorders and achieved many successful results. Our medical professionals will be happy to answer your questions and schedule your evaluation.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner at Diamond House Detox
Vicky is a board certified Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She began her nursing career in healthcare by working in the intensive care unit, and then an inpatient psychiatric hospital. After realizing the mental health needs of both the patients and the families she served, she became a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Throughout her experience working with clients, she has developed a passion for those with dual diagnoses and specializes in helping individuals recognize the issues driving their substance use. This recognition has been crucial to the individual’s success in treatment. Vicky opened Diamond House Detox so that she can address these issues early on in a therapeutic environment to allow clients to transition to the next level in their recovery.
Vicky Magobet