What To Know About Outpatient Rehab?

Content medically reviewed by Vicky Magobet, PMHNP-BC, on May 19, 2022.

Addiction affects approximately 21 million Americans, and only about 10 percent of people with a substance use disorder receive treatment. Addiction can affect every aspect of a person's life, including physical and mental health, relationships and career. It can be challenging to quit once substances have altered a person's brain chemistry and created a physical and psychological dependence.

The good news is that you can seek addiction treatment and live a fulfilling and sober life. Learn more about outpatient rehab below and how it can help you find relief from addiction.

Outpatient Treatment for Substance Use

If you're struggling with a substance use disorder, outpatient rehab can help you find relief. Outpatient drug rehab programs allow clients to live at home or in another sober environment while undergoing addiction treatment. Clients in these programs can also continue working or attending school while participating in the program.

Outpatient programs vary in intensity to provide clients with the appropriate level of care and support. Some clients regularly attend sessions on the weekends or in the evenings during the week. Others may attend sessions during the day before returning home in the afternoon.

When someone enters outpatient rehab, they participate in various therapeutic treatments to help them recover from addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage triggers and cravings. An addiction specialist helps each client create a personalized treatment plan that accommodates their individual needs. Clients in outpatient treatment can balance their responsibilities, such as family or professional obligations, alongside addiction treatment.

Outpatient rehab can be just as effective as inpatient rehab and offers many of the same treatments and therapies. Many people prefer outpatient care since it allows for more flexibility and is typically less expensive than residential care. Outpatient rehab is sometimes the final step for clients who participated in an inpatient program.

How Does Outpatient Treatment Work?

An outpatient rehab program may be the best option for people with a less severe addiction or those who need a flexible treatment option. If you've never sought addiction treatment before, you might wonder how the process works.

The first step is an assessment. An addiction specialist will ask questions and evaluate what alcohol or drug addictions exist and what types of services and treatments you need. The evaluation will determine your:

  • Past and present experiences with substances.
  • Physical and mental health.
  • Level of commitment to recovery.
  • Unique triggers and potential for relapse.
  • Home environment and peer groups.
  • Current state of intoxication or withdrawal symptoms.

Once the assessment is complete, you'll work with an addiction specialist to create a treatment plan. If the evaluation determines an underlying mental health condition, you'll receive a dual diagnosis for co-occurring disorders and undergo treatment for both conditions simultaneously.

If you need help overcoming withdrawal symptoms, an outpatient detox program might be an option. This program uses medication-assisted treatment to help you feel more comfortable as substances leave the body. These medications can also help prevent relapse. While taking these medications, you'll check in with a nurse to ensure the medication is working as it should and determine your progress through the detox process.

While you're detoxing, you'll participate in various forms of therapy, including:

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab

While inpatient and outpatient rehabs offer many of the same treatments, the difference is where clients reside and the level of monitoring. A person in an inpatient program stays at the rehab facility for 30 to 90 days, depending on the severity of their addiction. They are monitored 24/7 by medical staff to ensure their comfort and progress through the program.

Someone in an outpatient program can go home at the end of their treatment each day, which is an excellent option for clients with responsibilities to maintain, such as work or childcare. Clients can continue living their life as usual outside of treatment but can still benefit from many of the services and therapies also included in inpatient programs.

The Benefits of Outpatient Treatment

There are many reasons a client might choose to enter outpatient rehab instead of residential treatment. Outpatient rehab has many benefits, including:

  • Life balance: Not everyone has the option of staying overnight at a rehab facility for 30 to 90 days. Some people have children at home to take care of, classes to attend to stay on track for graduation or a work schedule to maintain to provide for their family. Outpatient treatment allows clients to create a balance between life and their addiction treatment.
  • Family support: With outpatient treatment, you can return home to your family every day, and they can offer you additional support to sustain your recovery. Support is a vital part of the recovery process and can help you feel less isolated and maintain a sense of normalcy during treatment.
  • Affordability: Outpatient treatment generally costs less than inpatient care, so those on a tight budget or with limited insurance coverage often choose outpatient treatment.
  • Levels of care: You'll have access to various treatments and services while in outpatient care. For example, suppose you're struggling with alcohol addiction and are in outpatient alcohol rehab. You'll be able to participate in various treatments to help you get to the root of the problem and encourage long-term recovery. The type of care you receive will depend on the severity of your addiction and your individual needs.
  • Access to resources: Participating in outpatient rehab allows you to access various resources, such as medication-assisted detox and support groups. These resources can help you build a recovery plan and prevent relapse once you complete treatment.

Who Is Outpatient Rehab for?

Outpatient rehab programs are ideal for people who have responsibilities outside of treatment and can't stay at an inpatient facility. Outpatient care is also an excellent option for those who want to continue their recovery after inpatient treatment. Outpatient care might be right for you if you:

  • Completed residential treatment but aren't ready to reenter sober society.
  • Can sustain your sobriety at home while in treatment.
  • Have co-occurring disorders.
  • Need a flexible treatment option to keep up with personal responsibilities.
  • Have a strong support network at home and live in a sober environment.

Whether or not you choose to enter outpatient treatment will depend on the severity of your addiction, treatment goals and extent of your support network.

Find Out if Outpatient Treatment Is Right for You

If you're struggling with addiction, you're not alone. At Diamond House Detox, we're here to help you get back on your feet and sustain your recovery. Our outpatient drug rehab center utilizes multiple therapies and treatments to help you find relief from addiction and achieve a sober life.

You'll work with one of our addiction specialists to create a personalized treatment plan suited to your needs. Our goal is to help you live a fulfilling life free from addiction through compassionate and effective care. Contact us today to learn more about what we treat and our programs if you're considering outpatient treatment.

Learn More About Outpatient Treatment

Linked sources:

  1. https://www.addictioncenter.com/addiction/addiction-statistics/#:~:text=Almost%2021%20million%20Americans%20have,over%20%24600%20billion%20every%20year.
  2. https://diamondhousedetox.com/outpatient-treatment/
  3. https://diamondhousedetox.com/addiction-therapy/dual-diagnosis-treatment-center-of-northern-california/
  4. https://diamondhousedetox.com/outpatient-treatment/outpatient-detox/
  5. https://diamondhousedetox.com/addiction-therapy/cognitive-behavioral-therapy/
  6. https://diamondhousedetox.com/addiction-therapy/emdr-therapy/
  7. https://diamondhousedetox.com/addiction-therapy/trauma-therapy/
  8. https://diamondhousedetox.com/addiction-therapy/art-therapy/
  9. https://diamondhousedetox.com/residential-stabilization-for-drug-and-alcohol-abuse/
  10. https://diamondhousedetox.com/contact-us/
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner at Diamond House Detox
Vicky is a board certified Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She began her nursing career in healthcare by working in the intensive care unit, and then an inpatient psychiatric hospital. After realizing the mental health needs of both the patients and the families she served, she became a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Throughout her experience working with clients, she has developed a passion for those with dual diagnoses and specializes in helping individuals recognize the issues driving their substance use. This recognition has been crucial to the individual’s success in treatment. Vicky opened Diamond House Detox so that she can address these issues early on in a therapeutic environment to allow clients to transition to the next level in their recovery.
Vicky Magobet