Public detox and rehab facilities often have huge waiting lists for admittance. And often people die waiting for access to treatment. Or they end up in jail, and hope that they can bypass some of the waiting lists and secure a spot in a treatment facility. But private detox and rehab facilities can get people struggling with addiction the help and support they need much faster.
Often people think that the cost of a private detox and rehab facility is out of their reach. Especially if their insurance won’t approve the cost of the rehab facility, they think that can’t afford it. But when they think about the cost they don’t think about the cost of waiting for treatment. That cost could be their lives, and that’s just too high a price to pay.
Why Waitlists Are So Long
The obvious answer to the question of why waitlists for public detox and rehab facilities are so long is that there are many people who need treatment for addiction. But the truth is that the problems that plague public rehab facilities go far beyond the number of people waiting for a spot.
Public rehabs depend on public money to keep operating, so they have to deal with mountains of red tape, lots of rules and restrictions, and other hassles in order to keep their funding. And even if they do manage to follow all the rules their funding can still be cut at any time. They might lose beds in their facilities due to budget cuts, or they might have to restrict the number of people they admit because they can’t pay enough medical professionals or staff to look after them. There are many reasons why public rehab and detox facilities are a crapshoot for those struggling with addiction.
Private Facilities Are More Affordable Than You Might Think
Many people dismiss the possibility of a private detox and rehab facility because they think that the cost is much more than can afford. While the cost of a private facility can seem high when you factor in the benefits that come from detox and rehab in a private facility the cost seems more reasonable. The cost of a private facility is really an investment in your sobriety and in your future. Financing and insurance coverage options can make it easier for people to afford the cost of a private facility.
When you consider that the cost of waiting for a bed in a public facility to open up might be death the idea of paying the cost for a private facility becomes a lot less intimidating. You can’t put a price on your life. And you can’t put a price on sobriety. If you or a loved one has been putting off detox and treatment because there is a lack of beds at public rehab facilities don’t wait any longer to contact a private detox facility to ask about financing and insurance coverage. Your life is worth the investment.
If you aren’t sure if you can afford private detox and recovery or you’re not sure what your insurance will pay for call us today. Our support specialists will be glad to go over financing options and the cost of private detox and rehab with you.
Content medically reviewed by Vicky Magobet, PMHNP-BC, on February 5th, 2018.
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