Updated July 25, 2024. Originally posted November 21, 2023.
Some people say the hardest part about addiction recovery is recognizing there's a problem in the first place. Actually, that part is pretty simple. When a substance use disorder gets out of hand, its effects are clear to see.
The hard part comes in the transition from substance abuse to the beginning stages of recovery. This is when the effects of drug withdrawal kick in. Withdrawals vary depending on the substances being misused and the level of severity of the substance use disorder. Still, there's nothing easy about this stage of recovery, but there are ways to help yourself through this time.
Not sure what to expect during the withdrawal phase of recovery? Here are some of the most common drug withdrawal symptoms and 11 helpful ways to cope with drug withdrawal.
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Your first step toward recovery is getting the drugs out of your system — but that can be hard when withdrawal develops. Withdrawal refers to the physical and mental symptoms that occur a few hours or days after not using a substance or lessening your use of it.
When you stop taking a substance, your whole body may seem to protest violently. Your body and brain have adjusted to the presence of that drug in your system. When the substance is suddenly removed, your body reacts with a range of symptoms.
The symptoms you have and the way you experience them can vary extensively. You may have a few mild side effects or a long list of severe symptoms. It all depends on the substance you've been taking, how long you've been addicted and your body chemistry.
Withdrawal is a sign that your body has grown physically dependent on a substance. Getting it out of your system alone can be challenging and even dangerous. Professional, medically supervised drug detoxification can help remove the drug from your body, ease the pain and manage withdrawal symptoms safely.
Drug withdrawal is different for everyone. While it's impossible to identify exactly how your mind and body will react to detoxification, it is helpful to know what to expect. The most prevalent withdrawal symptom for nearly any drug is cravings, an intense urge to use a substance.
Along with cravings, here are some of the most common symptoms you could experience during drug withdrawal.
About a week after ceasing its use, you may experience marijuana withdrawal symptoms, such as:
From illicit heroin to prescription oxycodone, opioid withdrawal is similar to flu-like symptoms, including body aches, sweating and hot and cold flashes. Other signs of withdrawal can include:
Stimulants include illicit substances like cocaine and methamphetamine or prescriptions like Adderall and Ritalin. Stimulant withdrawal symptoms may include:
If you try to stop taking benzodiazepines, such as Valium, Xanax or Klonopin, you may encounter withdrawal symptoms such as:
While you may face difficult withdrawal symptoms, recovery is possible. These 11 tips can help you cope with withdrawal symptoms.
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First things first, you have to relax.
Any form of drug withdrawal is really just your body detoxing from the drug it's been dependent on. This creates mental and physical challenges that you have to be resilient about.
Some withdrawal symptoms include nausea, headaches, trouble sleeping, and loss of appetite. Other, more extreme things may be tremors, mood swings, intense anxiety and vomiting.
Whatever you're going through, remind yourself why you're quitting. Prepare for this part of recovery by setting up a relaxing environment and practicing healthy habits.
One thing you can try to help relax the mind and body is yoga.
Yoga is a form of meditation that was created to awaken the muscles and the mind. If you feel weak during your withdrawal period, there are various forms of gentle, slow yoga and stretches to try.
You can go to a studio to feel the sense of community and support yoga offers, or do it at home. Stick to a routine that works for you and make it a part of your daily habits.
Another way to give your body support for withdrawal is to change your diet.
This is especially important if you have a low appetite. You have to make an attempt to at least eat something, and it's best to eat wholesome natural foods over processed meals while handling a drug recovery.
Healthy eating helps your body recover from the effects of your substance use disorder. Healthy foods can't solve all your problems, but eating wholesome meals will be a great step in the right direction.
Remember to drink plenty of water.
Water is necessary for all functions of the body, whether your body is going through withdrawals or not.
Regardless of your withdrawal symptoms, you need to drink water. This can help give you a bit more energy and mental clarity and facilitate your flow of oxygen if you're having trouble breathing.
If your body is feeling good enough to move around, do some form of a workout to help with any withdrawal symptoms. This helps you focus your mind on other things and achieve some sense of mental clarity.
You may get this through running, lifting weights, cycling or even rock climbing. Whatever kind of activity you're doing, just make sure it's a good one. The more time you spend working out and clearing your mind, the less of a chance it has to get cluttered with things like drug use or withdrawal symptoms you feel.
For an even better distraction, try out a new hobby. Again, just make sure it's a healthy alternative to substance misuse.
This could be anything from creative activities — like drawing or playing music — to gardening, cooking or even just reading. Anything that gets your mind off the withdrawal phase and helps you achieve a sense of clarity.
The thing about clearing your mind while experiencing drug withdrawal is that some form of temptation to give in is bound to come up. It doesn't matter how well you think you're doing, the experience can overwhelm anyone with its intensity.
One moment, you're fine, and the next, you could be experiencing a stronger symptom than you might have anticipated. That's why having a support system is crucial to getting through withdrawal.
In fact, this is one of the most important tools you'll need throughout your recovery. Talk to your close friends and family about your decision to quit. Have someone hold you accountable and maybe even be there with you as you take on the first few steps in dealing with your substance use disorder.
There's the support you get from friends and family, and then there's the help of professionals who have guided many people with substance use disorders through detox and withdrawal. Those are the people you want by your side.
Of course, this is not to say your loved ones aren't helpful resources. Rather, reaching out to professionals gives you the best opportunities and resources you need to aid recovery and manage the symptoms of withdrawals in a controlled environment.
There are plenty of detox centers available to help you. Places that specialize in intense withdrawal treatment, particularly when an individual is experiencing multiple strong symptoms at once.
Sleep is one of the most effective ways to deal with withdrawal symptoms.
Sleep helps regulate your mood, reduce blood pressure and give the cells in your body time to repair and recover. Naps can help you combat feelings of restlessness and irritability. Even if you just lay on your bed or couch and meditate for a few minutes, you help your body and mind reset and relax.
Your body needs tender, loving care during withdrawal.
Baths are soothing and can help manage symptoms like chills. Cold showers are refreshing and alleviate sweating or flushes often experienced during the detox process.
Getting a massage helps relieve sore muscles, and human touch may also feel comforting while relaxing tension in your body.
Writing down your feelings helps you handle withdrawal symptoms. Getting your thoughts and emotions on paper is therapeutic. Journaling occupies you when you are feeling overwhelmed and keeps your hands busy.
Journals also help you keep a record of why you want to detox and why you want to manage your substance use disorder. Revisiting your whys may be helpful when triggers happen or withdrawal symptoms are severe.
At Diamond House Detox, our holistic approach to drug withdrawal includes round-the-clock care so that you can go through detoxification as comfortably and safely as possible. Compassion is vital to all we do, helping our clients find the healing they need in a positive way.
Our team provides comprehensive psychological support to see individuals through this challenging experience and supervised medical care to mitigate severe withdrawal symptoms with specialized medications.
We understand that each person who comes to us for treatment is unique, with their own needs and goals. That's why we personalize withdrawal treatments to fit their requirements, giving them a safe and comfortable space to get drugs out of their system and find recovery.
The silver lining about drug withdrawal is that it doesn’t last too long. This stage usually lasts anywhere from 24-72 hours. Still, withdrawal symptoms can be severe, and you shouldn’t have to do it alone. Knowing how to deal with your symptoms is a step in the right direction — but getting professional support is the best way to handle withdrawal.
Diamond House Detox is here to help. We offer medically assisted detoxes at our facilities in Northern California. Our team includes medical experts in psychiatry and addiction recovery, providing individualized treatment plans and medication adjustments.
Contact us online or call 800-205-6107 to get help managing your withdrawal symptoms and substance use disorder.